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Day 3

The Prayer of Confession and Repentance 

The prayer of confession and repentance is a prayer in which believers acknowledge their sins before God, express genuine sorrow, and seek His forgiveness and cleansing. It is an act of humility and faith that leads to spiritual renewal and restoration of fellowship with God.


Key Aspects of a Prayer of Confession and Repentance:


Acknowledgment of Sin
Admitting wrongdoing without excuses or justification.

Psalm 51:4 

Expression of Sorrow
Genuine regret for sin and its effects on one’s relationship with God and others. Psalm 51:17

Request for Forgiveness
Asking God to pardon and cleanse from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:9

Commitment to Turn Away from Sin
Repentance involves a decision to forsake sinful behaviour and live in obedience to God.

Acts 3:19

Trust in God’s Mercy
Confessing with faith in God's grace through Jesus Christ.

Psalm 51:1


Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any areas of sin in your life. Then, take a few minutes to pray a prayer of confession & repentance. 

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